Entryfield classes and functions - Reference documentation

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Set configuration values and allows to get them back.

NOTE : These values will be identical for all users of the application.
Category : essential / configuration
public static function Ef_Config::set($key, $var, $keypref="def")

associates the value $var to the key $key,
with the prefix $keypref (optional)

public static function Ef_Config::get($key, $keypref="def")

returns the value of configuration associated with the key $key
for the prefix $keypref (optional)

public static function Ef_Config::getVars($keypref="def")

return the table of all configuration variables
for the prefix $keypref (optional)


Build controls for a given Ef_List

Category : essential / rendering
It is meant to be extended. Here is an example class : a simple control.

class ExampleControl extends Ef_Control 

{ function controlRow ($oldrow, $newrow)
{ extract($oldrow, EXTR_PREFIX_ALL, 'old');
if (!$slit_it_title && $oldslit_it_title != '') { $msgErr = Ef_Lang::get("Can't set empty the title of the item");
$this->gravity = 100;
$this->msgErr = $msgErr;
$this->fieldnames[] = 'slit.it_title';
Ef_Session::appendMessage('ProcessExample', $msgErr);
return false; }
return true;
} } }
public function getMsgErr()

returns the error message set by the control

public function getGravityErr()

returns the gravity (an integer) set by the control

public function getFieldNames()

return the field names set in error by the control

public function reset()

resets the error message, gravity and field names

@todo : accessors / setters


Opens or closes the communication channel to a Sql database

Category : essential / configuration
public static function Ef_Db::dbOpen($dbid='def')

opens the $dbid database
$dbid is an internal alias for the database

it is optional : if the application uses a single database,
this alias may not be set (default value is 'def')

for dbOpen to work, it is necessary to set some configuration variables.

// for sqlite

Ef_Config::set('f_sqlitedb_path', $sqlitepath);
Ef_Config::set('f_db_database', $databasename, $dbid);
Ef_Config::set('f_db_host', 'localhost');

where $sqlitepath is the path to the sqlite data file
$databasename is the name of the sqlite data file

Note : the suffix '.sqlite' will be added to the file name.

// for mysql 

Ef_Config::set('f_db_database', $databasename, $dbid);
Ef_Config::set('f_db_dbtype','mysql', $dbid);
Ef_Config::set('f_db_host', $hostname, $dbid);
Ef_Config::set('f_db_user', $username, $dbid);
Ef_Config::set('f_db_pass', $password, $dbid);

where $databasename is the name of the mysql database

$hostname is the name of the mysql server host
$username is the name of the mysql user
$username is the mysql password of this user

public static function Ef_Db::dbClose($dbid='def')

closes the $dbid database

public static function Ef_Db::dbCloseAll()

close all databases


Defines the identity, the format and the appearance of fields.

For Entryfield, the term "field" defines a column of a database table.
Category : essential / field definition
public static function Ef_Field::construct ($argname, $argarray);

Creates a field of name $argname and of definition $argarray
and returns the corresponding Ef_Field object.

$argname is structured as follows

where $tblalias is the alias for a table defined by Ef_SqlTable
and $fieldname is the name of the field, as it is known in the database.

$argarray is an array of key / values, structured as follows

this key / value indicates the type of the field


optional, this key / value indicates if the field belongs to the unique key of the table (this is used to generated sql update requests)
if the field belongs to the key of the table, keypos is an integer ; the first part of the key is 0, the second is 1 and so on.


if this key is set to "do", the value of the field will be translated before display, using Ef_Lang::get method.

the other key / values of the table depend on the field type, as described below :
string : character string

len : usual length
maxlen : maximal length

select : dropdown choice

len : usual length
keyvals : array of keys / values

date : date

(no additional definition)

text : multiline text

cols : number of columns
rows : number of rows

int : integer

len : length
aligninput : text alignment in field (right by default)

amount : amount

decpoint : decimal point
nbdec : number of decimals
septhous : thousand separator

button : button

(no additional definition)
NOTE : field type unused - see rowbutton instead

rowbutton : button

buttonprefix : technical name of the button (POST value)
buttontext : text of the button
rowidname : field name of the field which will identify the row

concerned by the action (to update, suppress the row etc)

radio : radio button

keyvals : array of keys / values

specific : specific field type

class : name of the php class which defines the field type
this class must be defined as a subclass of Ef_Field
( or one of its subclasses)

public function getTbl()

returns the table alias associated to the field
Example for field whose name is "com.test_news-id", will return "com"

public function getShortName()

returns the short name associated to the field
Example for field whose name is "com.test_news-id", will return "test_news-id"

public function getName()

returns the complete name associated to the field
Example for field whose name is "com.test_news-id", will return "com.test_news-id"

public function getPostnameIrow($irow)

return the post name associated to the field for a given row of a list
Example for field whose name is "com.test_news-id" and row 0,
will return "com-test_news-id-0"

public function getAttributes()

return the php table of attributes of the field
(in which attributes are type, len, etc.)

public function getAttribute()

return the value of a given attribute of a field
Example :

 $gzpay_id = Ef_Field::construct('gzpay.payid', array('type'=>'int', 'keypos'=>'0'));

$gzpay_id->getAttribute('type'); // will return 'int'.
public function getEditname($parms=array())

in the table $parms, if we set the parameter 'irow' to a given row, we will get the edit name of the field.
Example for field whose name is "com.test_news-id" and row 0, will return "com-test_news-id-0".
NOTE : same as getPostnameIrow($irow)
If the parameter 'irow' is not set, we will get the edit name without row suffix.
Example for field whose name is "com.test_news-id", will return "com-test_news-id"

public function memToViewHtml($value, $parms=array())

converts a memory value to its external Html value, according to the type of the field
Example : an amount 10000 may be converted to € 10,000.00

public function memToEditHtml($value, $parms=array())

converts a memory value to an input html widget, with the value
Example : an amount 10000 may be converted to

<input size="10" maxlength="10" name="gzt_test_name_id_12" value="€ 10,000.00">

Some information are provided by the field definition (for example length and maxlength).
$parms may contain the following key / values:

'irow' : indicates on which row the value is present (in the above example : 12)
'disabled' : if the input field must be set disabled
'readonly' : if the input field must be set readonl
'aligninput' : may be set to right or left
'password' : the value 'true' will set an input field to be password style

public function memToReadonlyHtml($value, $parms=array())

same as memToEditHtml, but will set the input field in readonly state

public function memToDisabledHtml($value, $parms=array())

same as memToEditHtml, but will set the input field in disabled state

public function memToHiddenHtml($value, $parms=array())

the input field will be present, but not visible

public function memToNoneHtml($value, $parms=array())

this function will convert the value to empty string ''

public function memToSql($value, $parms=array())

this function will convert the memory value to a value storable in sql
for example, slashes may be added (see addslashes php function)

public function postHtmlToMem($value, $parms=array())

this function will convert a post value to its equivalent in memory format
for example a date in local format 'Month 5, Year' will be changed to YYYY-MM-DD

public function sqlToMem($value, $parms=array())

this function will convert the sql value to a memory value
for example, slashes may be removed (see stripslashes php function)

public static function Ef_Field::findByName ($fieldname)

Search a field by name and returns the corresponding object
or false if not found

public static function Ef_Field::getPostnameFromNameIrow($fieldname, $irow)

From a field name and a line number, returns the matching POST variable name of the field

public static function Ef_Field::getSessValueFromNameIrow($argname, $irow=0)

From a fieldname and an option line number, returns the session value of this variable

public static function Ef_Field::getShortnameFromName($fieldname)

Gets the short name of a field from its complete name.
Example : "test_news-id" is the short name of "com.test_news-id"

public static function Ef_Field::getVarnameFromName($fieldname)

Gets the variable name of a field from its complete name
When handled as a php variable, it is this variable name which will be used.
Example "com_test_news_id" à partir de "com.test_news-id"

public static function Ef_Field::getValuenameFromName($argname)

Gets the "value" name of a field, which is the name of its
value in the sql query template, before the value is replaced by its value
Example : %efpa-title-value% from name "efpa.title".


Defines a html Select field (aka dropdownlist). Extension of Ef_Field.

public function setKeyVals($argkeyvals)

Defines the array of key / values presented by the select field.


Defines a Button field, visible on each row of the Ef_List. Extension of Ef_Field.

public function getPostedRow ()

Gets the post value associated to the submit button.
Will return non empty value if button pressed.


Defines a Button field, visible on each row of the Ef_List. Extension of Ef_FieldRowButton.

This class is considered as an extension, defined in F_FieldExtended.php

Inside the array of parameters of the Ef_Field, the 'glyphicon' has to be defined.
Example : 'glyphicon'=>'glyphicon-floppy-disk'.

$upd_item = Ef_Field::construct('virtual.btn_upd_item',

array('type'=>'specific','class'=>'Ef_FieldRowIconButton', 'buttonprefix'=>'btn_upd_item',
'glyphicon'=>'glyphicon-floppy-disk', 'buttontext'=>Ef_Lang::get('Save'),'rowidname'=>'efit_id'));


Defines and to reads translations.

Category : essential / configuration
public static function Ef_Lang::set($origstring, $deststring, $language="def")

Defines $deststring as the translation for $origstring, for the language $language.
The strings may contain variable arguments, specified as %1, %2, %3, etc.
Examples :

Ef_Lang::set("Pay", "Please proceed to payment");   

Ef_Lang::set("Identified as %1 and connected as %2", / "You are %1 and your login is %2");
public static function Ef_Lang::get($origstring, $language="def");

Returns the translation of $origstring in language $language.
Variable arguments specified in translation as %1, %2, %3 etc, are set in a php array.
Example :

$paystr = Ef_Lang::get("Pay");

$connectstr = Ef_Lang::get("Identified as %1 and connected as %2", / array($username, $userlogin));
public static function Ef_Lang::getVars($language="def");

Returns the array of translations for the language $language.


Interacts with data through a list or a form.

Ef_List is an extension of Ef_ReadList, and many functions come from this ancestor.
Category : essential / data
This class has three main moments of use : declaration / processing / displaying

// 1. Declaration : creating a list request  

$list = new Ef_List('SimpleList', " select %fieldlist% from slitem slit %where% %orderby% ",'simple'); $list->setUpdateTable('slitem');
$list->setAllFieldState('edit'); // ... adding an update button
$upditem = Ef_Field::construct('virtual.btn_upditem', array('type'=>'rowbutton','buttonprefix'=>'btn_upditem', 'buttontext'=>Ef_Lang::get('Update item'),'rowidname'=>'slit_itid')); $list->insertVirtualFieldAtEnd ('virtual.btn_upditem');
$list->buildUpdateReq(); // 2. processing updates
if (count($_POST) > 0) { $postedrow = $upditem->getPostedRow();
if ($postedrow !== false) { if ($list->processControl()) { $list->processUpdate(); } } } // 3. Displaying data
// This will call an Ef_ListView class to process display
$render = ($list->getRenderRows(array('variant'=>'simplehtmltable','rowtitle'=>'1')));
echo $render;
public function getPostedArray()

Returns the table of posted key / values associated to the list.

public function getPostedMaxRow()

Returns the max posted row value
@todo : check compatibility with getPostedArray

public function getPostedValue($key)

Returns the posted value associated to a given posted key

public function getFieldMemValue($fieldObj, $row)

Returns the memory value for the Ef_Field instance $fieldObj and the row $row

public function getChangedArray()

Returns the table of posted key / values changed in the last form operation.
The changed array is the list of fields whose internal post value is different than
their internal listed value.

public function getErrorMsgs()

Returns the array of error messages stored in the Ef_List
Notice : deprecated / rather use Ef_Session::getMessages.

public function getErrorText($before='', $after="

Returns the complete text of error messages.
This returns a text of all error messages stored in the Ef_List
Notice : deprecated / rather use Ef_Session::getMessages.

public function setChangeStateFunction($changestatefunction)

Defines a function to change state of field according to their content or to other elements of the context, for example to protect values according to the user profile.
a ChangeStateFunction will be called for each row to render. It must have following arguments

  • the calling Ef_List
  • a given result row coming from the list
  • an array of field states

and it will return a new array of field states.
Example of a change state function : will protect all fields against update,
if a field "efpa.protected" is set to 1.

function menuChangeStateFunction ($efList, $resultrow, $fieldstatearray) {

    // set variable in a table for each column 

$completedarray = $efList->extractCompletedFieldArray();
$rowvalues = array();
foreach ($completedarray as $key => $fieldname) { $varname = Ef_Field::getVarnameFromName ($fieldname);
$rowvalues[$varname] = $resultrow[$key]; }
if (isset($rowvalues['efpa_protected']) && $rowvalues['efpa_protected'] == '1') { $newfieldstatearray = array();
foreach ($fieldstatearray as $fieldname => $fieldstate) { if ($fieldstate == 'edit') { $newfieldstatearray[$fieldname] = 'readonly'; } else { $newfieldstatearray[$fieldname] = $fieldstate; } }
$fieldstatearray = $newfieldstatearray; }
return $fieldstatearray; }
public function getChangeStateFunction()

Returns the currently defined changeStateFunction.

public function getUpdateQuery()

Returns the currently defined sql update query.

public function setUpdateTable($argtablename)

Defines the update table as beging $argtablename.

public function buildUpdateReq()

Builds update query according to table definition.

public function searchNextUpdateVar()

Returns next update variable of the Ef_List, in "Valuename" format,

see Ef_Field::getValuenameFromName($argname)
Example : %efpa-title-value% from name "efpa.title".

public function resetNextUpdateVar()

Restart the search loop for searchNextUpdaetVar()

public function registerControl( $classmethodarray )

Register a control method. See Ef_Control example.

public function processControl()

Process all registered controls.

public function isFieldInError($fieldname,$irow)

Returns true if the field whose name is $fieldname has been set in error by a registered control, for row $irow.

public function processUpdate()

Process update of the Ef_List from POST data.

public function keepPostInSession($field)

Keeps all post values in session for a given field


The Ef_ListView is the class used to render the content of a Ef_List.

See also Ef_ListViewExtended, which is generally used.
Category : essential / rendering
This class, as the Ef_Field class, is built in the idea it will be specialized.
See the Ef_ListViewExtended Definition, where the functions below are used.

The method "render" of this class is called by the method "getRenderRows" of a
Ef_List instance, and it is controlled by the array of parameters sent to this method.

Example :

$render = ($list->getRenderRows(array('variant'=>'simplehtmltable','rowtitle'=>'1')));

will return the html code resulting from the render method of the Ef_ListView class,
with the variant simplehtmltable and the parameter rowtitle set to 1.

Variants for getRenderRows :


public function setLineSep($argbegin, $argend)

Defines the line separators.


public function setColSep($argbegin, $argend)

Defines the column separators.

public function setHeadColSep($argbegin, $argend)

Defines the column separators for the first line.

public function setHeader($argheader)

Defines a header to return before the content of the list view.

public function setFooter($argfooter)

Defines a footer to append after the content of the list view.

public function setFieldEditSep($argbegin, $argend)

Defines the codes enclosing an edit field.

public function setFieldErrorSep($argbegin, $argend)

Defines the codes enclosing an edit field when it is in error state
When used in an Ef_List, this function allows to enclose in red error fields.

public function setStateStyleInfo($state,$styleinfo)

Associates complementary style information for a given state of field.
Example :


public function getStateStyleInfo($state)

Gets complementary style information for a given state of field.

public function setRenderFunc($renderfunc)

Specifies a rendering function.

public function setVariantHtml($argvariant, $parms)

Defines the different variants (list, form, templated list, etc) which will be in used for this listview.

public function setFieldDisplaySep($fieldname, $displayname, $hcolsep0, $hcolsep1, $colsep0, $colsep1)

Defines in one line, some specific column separators used by the listview for a field.

for these parameters, the value '-' means "don't change parameter"
$displayname is the name used to replace the usual display of $fieldname
$hcolsep0 and $hcolsep1 are the separators enclosing the header of the column
$colsep0 and $colsep1 are the separators enclosing the value in the column

This function can be used indirectly through the parameters of the "renderRows" method of a F_ReadList / F_List.


$displaysep['efit.inpage'] = array('-', '-', '-', '', ''); 

$displaysep['efit.date'] = array('', '', '', ' '.Ef_Lang::get('efit.date').' ', '-'); $render = ($list->getRenderRows(array('variant'=>'simplehtmlform','coltitle'=>'1', 'displaysep'=>$displaysep)));

In this example, for the field efit.inpage, display, hcolsep0, hcolsep1 are not changed,

colsep0 and colsep1 are set to the pair .

For the field efit.date, display, hcolsep0, hcolsep1 are set to empty,

colsep0 is set to the value "Date ", and colsep1 is not changed.

public function renderField ($flist, $field, $fieldvalue='', $irow=0, $fieldvalues = array())

This will return the rendering of the value $fieldvalue for a given field $field, a given F_ReadList or F_List, $flist, a given row $irow, according that the values of the row are those readable in $fieldvalues.

public function render($flist, $parms=array())

This will return the rendering of a given F_ReadList or F_List, $flist, and the parameters $parm.


This class is an extension of Ef_ListView

This class is considered as an extension, stored in the file F_FieldExtended.php
Category : essential / rendering

To use it as a replacement for Ef_ListView, we have to set a configuration variable :
Ef_Config::set('listview', 'Ef_ListViewExtended');

Ef_ListViewExtended has several features
  • rendering is specialized and uses bootstrap elements
  • a specific method to render a list through template ('variant' = 'templatedlist')
  • public function renderThroughTemplate (&$F_List, $parms=array())

  • a specific method to render a list through template or sequence ('variant' = 'templatedlist') To be documented
  • public function renderTemplateOrSequence (&$f_list, $parms=array())

Variants for getRenderRows :



Logs some messages

Category : essential / configuration
public static function Ef_Log::conditionLog($myvar, $myvarname='', $keyword, $keywordfile)

If the config value for $keyword is "do", then write the value of $myvar with the title
$myvarname, in the file whose name is the config value for $keywordfile.

This allows to write a custom errorLog function, Example :

// write this in the config file

Ef_Config::set('errorlog','do'); function errorLog($var, $msg)
{ Ef_Log::conditionLog($var, $msg,'errorlog','f_log_errorlog'); }
public static function Ef_Log::echoTitle ($title, $style='h4', $withhr=true)

Echoes $title as a title of style $style, preceded by

if $withhr is true.

public static function Ef_Log::htmlDump($myvar, $myvarname='', $height="20em")

Echoes a htmlDump of a variable $myvar with title $myvarname, in a block
of height $height.

public static function Ef_Log::log ($myvar, $myvarname)

Logs the variable $myvar with the title $myvarname in the log file of the application, if logging is set on :

  • Ef_Config::get('f_log_debug') must be true,
  • Ef_Config::get('f_log_debugfile') must be set to a writable file.


Display web pages

Ef_Page is a template engine.
Category : essential / rendering
new Ef_Page()
public static function Ef_Page::getTemplateContent($filepath)

This function is the standard way to read a template stored in $filepath.
This function may be specialised, by defining a replacement function and specify it with F_Config::set('readtemplatefunc', $funcname)
The utility to specialize this function is to allow doing something systematic after reading the template.


// in configuration file

Ef_Config::set('readtemplatefunc', 'gzReadTemplate')
// in helper render file
function gzReadTemplate($filepath)
{ $templatecontent = file_get_contents($filepath); $designrelpath = Ef_Config::get('f_design_relpath');
$baserelpath = Ef_Config::get('f_base_relpath');
$newcontent = str_replace('%designrelpath%', $designrelpath, $templatecontent);
$newcontent = str_replace('%baserelpath%', $baserelpath, $newcontent);
return $newcontent; }
public function addText($text)

Appends a given text inside the page.

public function addTemplate($filepath)

Appends the content of a given template file inside the page.
If Ef_Config::get('f_template_path') is set, it will be prepended to the $filepath.
The template is read through Ef_Page::getTemplateContent function (which may be specialized).

public function addTemplateText($text)

Appends a given template text inside the current page

$tmppage->addTemplateText("This was done using %text% component");

public function clearContent()

Clears the content of the page.

public function clearPercentVars()

Clears all remaining percent vars from the page.
This is used before displaying the page, to avoid %dummy% texts for optional variables.

public function getContent()

Gets the content of the page, after using replaceVar / replaceVarNext.

public function render($clear=true)

Echoes the content of the page, and clears its content if $clear is set to true.

public function replaceVar($varname, $value)

Replaces a variable in the template with a given value.
Variables are enclosed with percent sign

$tmppage = new Ef_Page();

$tmppage->replaceVar ('%coltitle%', (Ef_Lang::get('Updating carriers')));
echo $tmppage->render();
public function replaceVarNext($varname, $value, $append="\n" )

Replaces a variable in the template with a given value,
and appends variable name at end of content to allow a new replaceVar / replaceVarNext.
The value $append is used to enclose the variable name.

public function translateContent()

Replace all variables with their translation
It replaces all %varname% by Ef_Lang::get('varname').


Ef_PagePart is a controller for the part of a page

Category : essential / code organization
public function doRun(&$page=null)


This class allows to interact with data from database ;

  • it is the ancester of Ef_List.
  • while Ef_List allows to update the data, Ef_ReadList is a read-only component
Category : essential / data

new Ef_ReadList($listcode, $listtemplate, $dbid='def')
where $listcode is an alphanumeric code for the list
and $listtemplate is a template for select sql query


  "select %fieldlist% from efitem efit %where% %orderby% "

and $dibd is the id of the database

public function buildSelectReq()

Builds the structure of the Ef_ReadList or Ef_Lsit, using all available fields
Example :

$list = new F_List('SimpleList', "select %fieldlist% from slitem slit    %where% %orderby% ",'simple');

public function buildFromFieldArray($fieldarray)

Build the structure of the Ef_ReadList / Ef_List , using $fieldarray as an array of fields
Example :

$vbasktotal = new Ef_SessionList('vbasktotal');

public function getChangedArray()

This function is defined for compatibility with Ef_List.
It returns an empty array.

public function getChangeStateFunction()

This function is defined for compatibility with Ef_List.
It returns a null value.

public function getCode()

Returns the alphanumeric code associated with the Ef_ReadList / Ef_List.

public function getFieldArray()

Returns the array of field names of the Ef_ReadList / Ef_List.

public function getFieldStateArray()

Returns the array of field states of the Ef_ReadList / Ef_List.
This is an array indexed by the field names of the list, and whose values are the matching field states :

  • view : the field is presented to be read, not in is edit form ; this is the default state
  • edit : field is editable
  • readonly : field is in its edit form, but readonly (can't update)
  • disabled : field is in its edit form, but disabled (can't update)
  • the difference between disabled and readonly is introduced by html
    readonly will be posted by the form, while disabled will not be posted

  • hidden : field is in its edit form, but not visible
  • none : field is not visible
public function setWhere($argwhere)

Defines the where condition of the select query.

$list->setWhere("where ca_datdel is null");

public function getWhere()

Returns the where condition of the select query.

public function setFieldStateArray($fieldstatearray)

Defines the field state array.
See getFieldStateArray.

public function getListedArray()

Gets the array of listed values.

public function setFieldList($argfieldlist)
public function setOrderBy($argorderby)

Defines the "order by" clause of the list.
Example :

$list->setOrderBy('order by gzug.ugid desc');

public function getOrderBy()

Returns the "order by" clause of the list.

public function setFieldState($argfieldname, $argstate)

Sets the state of a given field
Example :

$list->setFieldState('gzol.olid', 'hidden');

public function getFieldState($argfieldname)

Returns the state of a given field

public function setAllFieldState($argstate)

Sets all field to an identical state.

public function insertVirtualFieldAtEnd($argfieldname)

Inserts a virtual field at the end of the fields of the list.
A virtual field is a field whose value is not stored in a database table.
It is defined as belonging to the 'virtual' table.
Example :


public function insertVirtualFieldAfter($argfieldname, $argfieldaftername = '')

Inserts a virtual field after a given field of the list.

public function countRows($parms=array())

Executes the select request and returns the number of returning rows.

public function getRenderRows($parms=array())

Calls the Ef_ListView associated to the list and return the rendering according
to parameters.
Example : also see Ef_ListView / Ef_ListViewExtended

$render = ($list->getRenderRows(array('variant'=>'simplehtmlform','coltitle'=>'1', 'displaysep'=>$displaysep))); 

$render = ($list->getRenderRows(array('variant'=>'simplehtmltable','rowtitle'=>'1')));
public function extractListedRow($irow)

Returns a row from a given listed result, without any virtual fields.

public function extractCompletedRow($irow)

Returns a row from a given listed result, with all added virtual fields.

public function extractCompletedFieldArray()

Returns the array of field names belonging to the list, completed with all added virtual fields.


This class allows long or user-friendly URLs ;

it transcripts the name of a script into a string.
Category : essential / rendering
To allow this class to work, a .htaccess with FallbackResource defined must be placed in the site root.
The script defined as FallbackResource
new Ef_Route($argfile, $argurl)

Defines a route : to access the script $argfile, the URL path from the site root will be $argurl.

public static function Ef_Route::getScriptPathFromUrl($argurl)

Returns the script associated to the url.
If not found, will return the last part of the URL $argurl.


// may return 'SyTestRoute.php' if the route has been defined Ef_Route::getScriptPathFromUrl('http://localhost/www/simple/unknown-route');
// may return 'unknown-route'
public static function Ef_Route::getUrlFromFile($filename)

Returns the url associated to a given file

public static function Ef_Route::getFileFromUrl($urlsuffix)

Returns the filename associated to a given url.

public static function Ef_Route::setGetParamsFromUrl($url)

Assigns $_GET parameters from a given url.


Ef_Session is a mechanism to store and retrieve values associated to the current user.

It is a wrapper for the php session mechanism, completed by some functions to store error messages in session.
Category : essential / configuration
public static function Ef_Session::start($params = array())

starts a session

$params may contain the following key / values

'sessname' : to define the name of the session ; default is 'f_sess'
'sesslifetime' : to define the session.gc_maxlifetime parameter ; default is 1440
'sessioncacheexpire' : to define the session.cache_expire parameter ; default is 180

if $_GET['sessinit'] is set to the string 'true', then the session will be reset.
@todo : allow 'sessinit' in $params

public static function Ef_Session::delete()

deletes the content of the current session
@note : tested only on php 5.3

public static function Ef_Session::getSessionId()

returns the session id of the current session

public static function Ef_Session::setVal($key, $value)

associates the value $value to the key $key in the current session

public static function Ef_Session::getVal($key)

returns the value associated to the key $key in the current session

public static function Ef_Session::delKey($key)

unsets and deletes the key / value associated to $key in the current session

public static function Ef_Session::isStarted())

returns true if a session is started, else returns false

public static function Ef_Session::appendMessage($context, $msg, $separator='<br/>')

appends the message $msg and the separator $separator to the context $context
$msg is simply concatenated to messages text already appended

this is used to store one or several error / information messages associated to
a given context (maybe a given page)

public static function Ef_Session::clearMessages($context)

clears the messages of a given context $context

public static function Ef_Session::getMessages($context)

get the message text of all messages associated to a given context


Ef_SessionList is an extension of Ef_List working with session data.

Category : essential / data
public function initListedContent()

Ensures that the row 0 of the session list is initialized.

public function keepPostInListed($field)

Keep all post values in session for a field belonging to the session list.

public function resetListedContentRow($irow)

Reinitializes the listed content for a given row.

public function setListedContent($irow, $arrayVal)

Sets the listed content for a given row, from an array of values $arrayVal.
The values must be in the same order as the field array of the Ef_SessionList.


This class is the Sql query. It is built with PDO (PHP Data Objects)

Notice : this class is also the ancestor of Ef_ReadList and thus, of Ef_List
Category : essential / data

new Ef_SqlReq($argsqlquery, $argdbid='def')
where $argsqlquery is the text of the query
and $argdbid is the internal alias of the database


$insertreq = new Ef_SqlReq ("

insert into slitem (itid, it_title) \n values ($newlineid, '' ) \n ",'simple');
public static function Ef_SqlReq::groupInsert($table, $fieldlist, $valuelists, $database='')

insert several rows of data into a table


Ef_SqlReq::groupInsert('aclang', 'lgid, lg_lang, lg_prid, lg_key, lg_value',

array( "'10001', 'fr', '100', 'Project', 'Partenaire'" ,"'10002', 'fr', '200', 'Project', 'Affaire'" ) ,'simple');
public static function Ef_SqlReq::groupInsertArray($table, $fieldlist, $valuearrays, $database='')

insert several rows of data into a table
Each row is in a separate array


Ef_SqlReq::groupInsert('aclang', 'lgid, lg_lang, lg_prid, lg_key, lg_value',

array( array('10001', 'fr', '100', 'Project', 'Partenaire') ,array('10002', 'fr', '200', 'Project', 'Affaire') ) ,'simple');
public static function quoteString($string, $dbtype='')

prepares a field value to be inserted in the database
for sqlite the string a'bc will become a''bc
for mysql the string a'bc will become a\'bc

public function prepare()

prepare the query, as a wrapper to the PDO
this method is implicitly called by getRows, getRow, getValue and execute methods

public function execute()

prepares, executes the query without returning anything.

public function getRows($resultmode=PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)

prepares, executes the query and returns its result as an array of rows
$resultmode defines the form of the resulting rows
in the default mode, each row is an array of colname=>colvalue

public function getRow($resultmode=PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)

prepares, executes the query and returns the result as a row
(or the first row resulting from the execution)
$resultmode defines the form of the resulting row
in the default mode, it will be an array of colname=>colvalue

public function getValue()

prepares, executes the query and returns the resulting value.

public function getSqlQuery()

Returns the text of the sql select query of the list.

public function setSqlQuery($query)

Allow to change the text of a sql query.

public static function quoteString($string, $dbtype='')


new Ef_SqlTable($argname, $argalias, $argdbid='def')

where $argname is the name of the sql table
and $argalias is the alias of the sql table

(it will be the prefix of all fields defined in the table)

and $argdbid is the internal alias of the database (optional, default value 'def')


$slitem = new Ef_SqlTable('slitem','slit','simple');

Conventions :

Tables created by Entryfield may usually be named this way :


where $appcode is the short code for the application
and $tblname identify the data, and is in singular form
Example application gz, table country -> gzcountry

Aliases are usually build this way


Example application gz, table country, alias ct (abbreviation) -> gzct

Usually tables have a single integer identifier, named this way


Example table country, alias ct -> identifier ctid

Example to sum up : definition of a table of countries

$gzcountry = new Ef_SqlTable('gzcountry','gzct','bootik');

$gzct_id = Ef_Field::construct('gzct.ctid', array('type'=>'int', 'keypos'=>'0'));
$gzct_code = Ef_Field::construct('gzct.ct_code', array('type'=>'string','len'=>'2'));
$gzct_name = Ef_Field::construct('gzct.ct_name', array('type'=>'string','len'=>'30','maxlen'=>'80'));
public function getName()

returns the name of the table

public function getAlias()

returns the alias of the table

public function buildFieldArray()

finishes the definition of the table, once all fields have been added
See example above in Conventions

public function getFieldArray()

returns the array of field names of the table

public function getFieldKeyArray()

returns the array of field names of the table, which belong to the key
see parameter keypos in Ef_Field::construct

public function getFieldList()

returns the field list of the table, which is a comma-separated string
lie for exammple 'slit.itid, slit.it_title, slit.it_text'

public function getFieldArrayObj()

returns the array of fields of the table, as an array of Ef_Field instances

public function getNewId($numId='')

For tables with only one integer identifier, return a new value for this identifier to prepare an insertion.
if set, the $numId parameter indicates the shortname of the field.
@note : also wrapped in static method Ef_TableUtil::getNewId

public static function cloneWithAlias($tablename, $newalias)

Duplicate a table definition with a given alias
This is used to update two or more instances of a table in the same web page :
different Ef_List will be built with different aliases.

public function getPostedFieldsInMemRow ($irow=0)

Get the fields posted as a "memory row" of variables usable as names.
Returns an array of values.


Utility class for sql tables

This class is considered as an extension and stored in F_FieldExtended.php.
public static function Ef_TableUtil::getAliasFromTableName($tablename)

Gets the alias of the table from its name.

public static function Ef_TableUtil::getIdFieldFromTableName($tablename)

Gets the ID Field of the table from its name,
will work if there is only one key field in table, and this field is the first declared.

public static function Ef_TableUtil::getNewId($tablename)

For tables with only one integer identifier, return a new value for this identifier to prepare an insertion.
Wraps the function Ef_SqlTable::getNewId($numId);

public static function Ef_TableUtil::getNumToInsertAfter($tablename, $where, $order, $numcol, $idcol, $id, $step=1000)

This function is used for tables ordered by a given column.
It intends to get the right value for the column to insert after a given item of the table.
To document

public static function Ef_TableUtil::groupCopy($tablename, $condition, $numid, $changedfields)

Replicate a group of sql records, belonging to a table $tablename, getting new numeric ids for records and changing given fields.

  • $condition is the sql selection
  • $numid is the name of a numeric unique key
  • $changedfields is a table of name=>value identifying fields to change


$condition = "where arf_refart = '$art_refart'";

$ligchangedfields = array ("arf_refart"=>"$newrefart");
EF_TableUtil::groupCopy('artfourn', $condition, "lineid", $ligchangedfields);
public static function Ef_TableUtil::pushDown($tablename, $where, $order, $numcol, $idcol, $id)

This function is used for tables ordered by a given column.
It intends to push down a given item of the table.
To document

public static function Ef_TableUtil::pushUp($tablename, $where, $order, $numcol, $idcol, $id)

This function is used for tables ordered by a given column.
It intends to push up a given item of the table.
To document

public static function Ef_TableUtil::reNumber($tablename, $where, $order, $numcol, $idcol, $step=1000)

This function is used for tables ordered by a given column.
It intends to renumber this column of a table.
To document

public static function Ef_TableUtil::recordCopy($tablename, $idkeys, $changedfields)

Replicates a sql record of a table $table, while changing some data.

  • $idkeys is a table of key=>value identifying the record to duplicate
  • $changedfields is a table of name=>value identifying fields to change

Example :

Ef_TableUtil::recordCopy('efitem', array('id'=>'28'), array('title'=>'test SA'));


Utility class

Category minor / configuration
public static function Ef_Util::getArrayValue($array,$key)

Looks in an key/value array to get the value associate to the key,
without complaint if the key does not exist.


Manages the version of Entryfield

Category minor / configuration
public static function Ef_Version::numvers()

Returns the version number of EntryField.


Virtual table : a table whose data is kept in session.

Category essential / data
Ef_VirtualTable is an extension of Ef_SqlTable.
It has methods to store and get data from session, in memory form or in edit form.
public function setMemRowInSession ($memrow, $irow=0)

Transfer an array of values into session.

public function getMemRowFromSession ($irow=0)

Retrieve the memory row of variables from the session
Returns an array of values.

public function getEditRowFromSession ($irow=0, $withlabel=true, $fieldstate=array())

Returns an "edit row", array of editable fields of the table.
$withlabel = true means that editable fields are presented with their label
$fieldstate is an array of field states ('view','edit','hidden','disabled','readonly', 'none')